Workplace Violence

Violence at work is an all too common occurrence. Workers have a right to be safe at work, and employers are required to provide training to workers in order to keep them safe. 

Public-facing workers like cashiers, clerks and retail workers face specific risks, but even workers whose workplaces are not public can experience workplace violence. 

Header image reading: "Workplace Violence"
Image entitled "What You Will Learn" with bullet points: Employers’ responsibilities and worker participation; Hierarchy of controls; workplace violence definitions; workplace violence categories; what to do to prevent workplace violence; whistleblower protections
What does the WNYCOSH Workplace Violence training cover? 

The training covers:

  • what workplace violence is
  • different categories of violence
  • workers’ rights
  • employer responsibilities
  • ways to prevent workplace violence
  • worksite specific analysis
  • whistleblower protection


How common is workplace violence?

Some types of workplaces are more likely than others to experience workplace violence, but all workers deserve safe working conditions. Understanding the types of violence, how to respond, and what can be done to prevent it is important for all workers.


Image entitled in white: how common is workplace violence? with subheader: nonfatal workplace intentional injuries. Pink bar graph shows the industries in order of most to least injuries, with service having around 17,000; healthcare around 8,000; education and library around 6,000; transportation and material moving around 1,000; and management, business and financial around 1,000. The data is from 2020
Image entitled worksite analysis in white. Pink bubbles mark a list with: 1) worksite analysis, 2) records review and analysis, 3) conducting screening surveys, 4) workplace security analysis
What is a worksite analysis?

Each workplace is different. Understanding how each workplace functions and creating a plan that meets the needs of workers is an important part of workplace violence training. Looking at how the workplace operates, past incidents, understanding worker concerns, and analyzing workplace security are all things that this training covers.


How do I sign up for training? Can I do this training as an individual, or does it have to be through my workplace? 

For more information or to sign up for training, contact Program Director Elton Neves at (716) 833-5416 x18 or via email at

Header says for more information in white over a mashup of WNYCOSH Worker Center logos in 10 different languages. At the bottom it says: Contact WNYCOSH • (716) 833-5416 • WNYCOSH Worker Center Hotline (716) 206-3550
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