Heat & Climate Justice Resources
NIOSH Heat Stress information Page and Resources
Tips for Preventing Heat-Related Illness (available in Español)
Protecting Yourself From Heat Stress (available in Español | Kreyol Haitien | Viet)
Heat Campaign Slides (English/Español)
NYS Minimum Wage Annual Increases by Industry
How Raising the Minimum Wage to $15 Would Help Workers
Economists Agree: Raising the Minimum Wage Reduces Poverty
Raising the Minimum Wage: Good for Workers, Businesses and the Economy
The Scaffold Law requires contractors, owners and agents in construction to provide proper protection to workers’ working off of the ground.
FAQ: The Importance of New York’s Scaffold Law
U.S. Lags Behind World in Temp Worker Protections
How to Improve Temp Worker Safety
Temp Worker Regulations Around the World
The Challenge of Temporary Work in Twenty-First Century Labor Markets (PDF)