If you’ve come to this page because a family member has been killed or injured in the workplace, please accept our condolences. When a worker is killed or seriously injured in the workplace, there are often many challenges and questions for those family members and friends who are left behind. The unexpected nature of the incident, the lack of public review in most workplaces, and the subsequent secrecy by agencies involved, often protects the employer and can add frustration to the normal grieving process.
We developed this Resource Guide because we know how complex the process can get. We also understand that people grieve differently and at diverse times. This Resource Guide can be used by you at your convenience. You are welcome to contact anyone at WNYCOSH at anytime if you have further questions or concerns via phone (716-833-5416) or email (info@wnyworker.org).
Translation funded by New York State Department of Labor Workplace Safety and Health Contract Number #DOL01-CC1676GG-3550000
The opinions, results, findings and/or interpretations of data contained therein are the responsibility of the Western New York Council on Occupational Safety and Health and do not necessarily represent the opinions, interpretations or policy of the New York State Department of Labor.